
Figure 3: Existing Bicycle Lanes – Wyandotte Street East (Red)

Sidewalks are provided on both sides of Wyandotte Street East along the entire length from St. Luke Road to Lauzon Road. The minimum sidewalk width in the Riverside and Pillette Village BIAs is 1.5 m; however, the typical sidewalk width in these BIAs is typically much wider, and a hard-surfaced “furniture zone’ is often provided next to the sidewalk.


Two contexts were considered for lane closures on Wyandotte Street East in the Pillette Village BIA and Riverside BIA:

1. Temporary lane closures that would be removed when physical distancing restrictions for the COVID-19 emergency are lifted, and

2. Permanent lane closures or road space reallocations that would assist with physical distancing during the COVID-19 emergency, but would remain in place for the long term.

These two contexts are discussed separately below.

Temporary Lane Closures

The Province of Ontario recently announced that retail businesses with a street entrance can begin offering sales by curb-side pickup beginning on May 11. This will allow many businesses in Windsor to re-open. In areas where retail businesses are dependent on on-street or off-site parking – including many BIAs – businesses may experience significant challenges in offering curb-side pickup.

The City of Toronto has recently launched CurbTO, its program for temporary lane closures to assist with physical distancing in response to COVID-19. If Council so directs, this program could be adapted for use in the Pillette Village and Riverside BIAs, as well as other BIAs with similar street environments.

The CurbTO program allows essential businesses and agencies to request that the on- street parking in front of their business/agency to be converted to either: A Temporary Parking Pickup Zone: the on-street parking is temporarily  changed to 10-minute time-limited parking to facilitate customer pick-up appointments.