The portion of Wyandotte Street East referred to in resolution CR563/2019 goes through the Riverside and Pillette Village BIAs (as well as the Ford City BIA, not referred to in the May 4, 2020 resolution). A map of the area referred to in this resolution is provided as Figure 1.


Figure 1: Wyandotte Street East (St. Luke Ave. To Lauzon Rd.)

Walk Wheel Windsor (Active Transportation Master Plan)

The Active Transportation Master Plan, Walk Wheel Windsor, identifies Wyandotte Street East as a Regional Spine in the cycling network. Except for a short section at St. Luke Road, Wyandotte Street East between St. Luke Road and Lauzon Road is identified as low to medium priority for cycling infrastructure, as shown in Figure 2.


Figure 2: Bicycle Priority Network Map Excerpt (Red: High Priority, Yellow: Medium Priority, Green: Low Priority)

As shown in Figure 3, bicycle lanes are provided along certain segments of Wyandotte Street East in the area of interest, but not through either the Pillette Village BIA or the Riverside BIA.