Survey question

Value Driver
Average rating 2014 to 2019 Previous year rating
Current year rating
The City has confidence in the quality of work that PwC has performed. 8.4 8.1 8.3
During the project, the PwC team engaged us (key project participants including the project sponsor) in ameaningful conversation about our business that may have included new ideas about your own business or situation.


During the project, the PwC team was approachable, responsive, and developed positive relationships with our team. 8.9 8.7 8.2
In a way that was respectful of the City’s other priorities, the PwC team efficiently delivered what they said they would in the internal audit scope memo. 8.5
The PwC team remained professional, independent, and objective in their dealings with the City personnel and the project. 9.0 8.6 9
We would recommend the PwC services to our other contacts. 8.9 8.5 8.8

Average customer service satisfaction scores are also depicted by chart below for the period from the audit year 2014 - 19 to the seventh audit year ending 2019-20:
