16 Emergency Response - Planning and
Preparedness Internal Audit Report
230- Update Emergency response plan and document
process for performing annual update
Emergency Planning Officer
17 Emergency Response - Planning and
Preparedness Internal Audit Report
231-Documentation of EMPC meeting minutes and retention
of annual review of emergency management documentation
Emergency Planning Officer
18 Emergency Response - Planning and
Preparedness Internal Audit Report
232- Implement incident notification and briefing
Emergency Planning Officer
19 Emergency Response - Planning and
Preparedness Internal Audit Report
233- Develop process guidelines for continuous improvement
exercises, documentation and reporting
Emergency Planning Officer
20 Emergency Response - Planning and
Preparedness Internal Audit Report
234- Review completeness of annual ERP training provided
to the staff
Emergency Planning Officer
21 Hotline Investigation Report 237- Establish an acknowledgement procedure to document
whether changes to scope prior to issuing addendum were
reviewed by a qualified professional
Purchasing Manager
22 Hotline Investigation Report 238- Enhance controls over authorization, recording and
release of materials to contractors.
Senior Manager of Traffic Operations