6. Previously retargeted management plans

The following findings were re-targeted by management in past periods during the findings follow up process. Management had intended to carry out the action plan by the original due date, however were unable to do so for reasons included in the "Rationale" column below for each individual finding. Internal Audit has requested that management provide a retargeted due date in order for us to follow up with them when we next perform findings follow up.


Audit report
Observation # and name
  Executive approval from
1 Service Provider and Outsourced Services Governance and Management 159- Monitoring of Supplier Issues and Risks Original Due Date June 30,2018 Purchasing Department

Background: This observation arose on review of the samples, highlighting that the required Vendor Management System (“VMS”) supplier assessment used to track supplier risks, issues and performance feedback was not available. Noted that in the majority of the contracts sampled, the departments had not formally documented the identification, tracking, and closing of the key supplier risks and issues.

Management agreed to the importance of the Vendor Management System (“VMS”) and the ability of the City to evaluate the performance of the supplier. Management has developed a procedure around the use of the VMS in accordance with the Purchasing By-Law 93-2012.

Reason for Delay: IA noted that the Vendor Relationship Management Procedures have been prepared however the same has not been presented to Council for review.

Retarget Date June 30,2020
# of Retargets 1
Days since Identification 2 years 5 months
Days past Original Due Date 1 year 5 months
            Basis for viability of reforecasted The viability is strong, as the council report is in draft form and the policy and procedures are complete. Given the COVID-19 pandemic, the timelines may be delayed further.