Related Reports

Other related reports are as follows:

• provided a list of locations City-wide where S 90/2018 Pedestrian Crossovers pedestrian crossovers had been requested and referred the list of warranted locations to 2019 budget deliberations. This report noted that a pedestrian crossover is not recommended for Cabana Road East at Karen Street/Clara Avenue.

• S 156/2018 CQ14-2018 Cabana Road East / Roseland Public School responded to a Council Question regarding pedestrians at this Pedestrians location. The report:

Confirmed that a pedestrian crossover is not recommended for Cabana o Road East at Karen Street/Clara Avenue,

Confirmed that the existing school crossing meets provincial guidelines, o and

Addressed resident concerns about pedestrians crossing Cabana Road o East outside of the times when a crossing guard is on duty.

• S 29/2019 Additional Information - CQ14-2018 Cabana Road East Roseland provided additional information on: Public School Pedestrians

Performance of the school crossing after sign and pavement marking o upgrades, and

Speeds on Cabana Road East before widening, after widening, and after o the sign and pavement marking upgrades.


If Council elects to replace the existing school crossing on Cabana Road East with a different form of controlled pedestrian crossing, the following options are available:

1. Pedestrian Crossover

Intersection Pedestrian Signal (“half signal”) 2.

Each of these options is discussed below.

Pedestrian Crossover

At a pedestrian crossover, vehicles are required to yield to pedestrians waiting to cross. For all but the lowest level of crossover, pushbutton-actuated flashing beacons are provided to alert drivers to pedestrians crossing or about to cross.