
Council Report: C 45/2019

Subject: Second Additional Information - S 156/2018 CQ14-2018 Cabana Road East Pedestrians - WARD 9


Mayor and Members of City Council To:


That report C 45/2019 for information. BE RECEIVED

Executive Summary:



At its February 20, 2019 meeting, the Environment, Transportation and Public Safety Standing Committee adopted the following recommendation:

THAT the report of the Policy Analyst dated September 12, 2018 entitled "CQ14-2018 Cabana Road East/Roseland Public School Pedestrians" and the report of the Policy Analyst dated January 24, 2019 entitled "Additional Information - CQ14-2018 Cabana Road East Roseland Public School Pedestrians" BE RECEIVED for information; and further,

THAT the installation of a crosswalk on Cabana Road East on the west side of Karen Avenue BE APPROVED; and further,

THAT the funding for this initiative BE DERIVED from the allocated Ward 9 funds.

This report provides additional information and costs for options to implement the Committee’s recommendation to provide a crosswalk at this location on Cabana Road East.