Resource Risk:

Staff Resources are required to administer the program. As this is a pilot program, it is presently unknown how much staff time will actually be required to administer the program. Every effort will be made to administer the program as efficiently and effective as possible given the current level of staff resources.

Legal Liability Risk:

There is an inherent risk associated with riding a bike or e-scooter (regardless whether it is rented or owned). These risks pertain to both injuries to persons and/or damage to property. As more people will have access to e-scooters and e-bikes, there is the potential for claims to be brought against the City. Road surfaces which may be suitable for vehicles may not be suitable for e-scooters and e-bikes. Having dockless devices can also obstruct sidewalks, resulting in risk of harm to sidewalk users. Liability risks are mitigated by requiring the operator to carry insurance and agree to indemnify the City in the event of a loss, but an indemnification provision will not be triggered if the allegation relates to independent negligent acts of the City.

Complaint Risk:

Complaints regarding the use and or misuse of e-scooters and/or e-bikes and bicycles will be received from the public (i.e. blocked sidewalks, improper parking of devices, improper use of devices). The City’s 311 department will track the complaints. Complaints relating to the operator (i.e. broken e-scooter, e-scooter blocking sidewalk) will be forwarded directly to the operator to address. Complaints may be mitigated by educating users and the public regarding proper use and storage of the devices.

Financial Matters:

There are no financial impacts associated with the receipt of this report.

However, there may be some associated costs associated with providing signage/markings in the Central Riverfront Park. The signs and markings will attempt to minimize conflicts between park users. Similarly, some parking / storage areas may need to be constructed in order to not clutter the park.

It is anticipated that the administrative fee charged to the operator(s) will be sufficient to cover these costs.

Any other costs will be tracked and reported to Council.


Operations: Dwayne Dawson, Phong Nguy, Roberta Harrison, Andrew Lewis

Traffic Operations: Shawna Boakes Parks: James Chacko, Mike Clement, Heidi Baillargeon, James Scott