memberships/pay per use, and surcharges and extra fees.
Data Reporting
Operator(s) must protect user personal and financial
The City of Windsor will be given access to the fleet
management portal and have access to real-time data
feeds (GBFS). Monthly reports of number of devices, km
travelled, breakdown by age/gender.
Also, month trip records for each trip should be provided
(including route) including GIS data.
Repair The operator(s) is/are to maintain all devices in a safe and
functional state, and promptly remove any damaged,
unsafe or non-functional devices from public property.
Once notified on an issue, the operator(s) must lock down
the device to ensure it cannot be used.
Maintenance data must be updated and submitted
Rebalancing Devices must be rebalanced every 24 hours. Operator(s)
must respond to pedestrian obstructions and safety
concerns within several hours.
Operator(s) must inspect any hubs or stations (if
applicable) at least once per day to ensure they are kept in
safe, tidy, and sanitary conditions.
The City may remove or re-park devices in violation with
the permit and deduct from the security deposit or fees,
resources, and staff time.
Equipment Standards Devices must meet Provincial safety requirements.
Bikes must include adjustable seat posts, all weather tires,
front/rear fenders, GPS location tracking and unique
identification number.
E-bikes and E-scooters must have GPS location tracking
and unique identification number.
Storage Bikes to be parked at: