IV. That the City Planner BE DELEGATED THE AUTHORITY to approve the Site Plan Control application.

In summary, Windsor’s network of Fire Stations was reviewed in an effort to improve service efficiency and citywide fire protection coverage. The City’s goal is to work towards a 10 Firefighters in 10 Minutes response time to calls. The station design was modified from Fire Station 7.

Fire Station #2

Construction tender results for Fire Station #2 were received at the City Council meeting of April 22, 2014 as part of a Communications Report. Gulf Developments was the successful bidder for the project, with a tender price of $3,865,850.19. Because this amount fell within the allocated budget, no further direction of City Council was required.

Subsequent to this approval, resident concerns were raised over the introduction of the fire station within an established neighbourhood. To mitigate concerns, additional features were added through landscaping, sidewalks and crosswalks.

Construction at the Fire Station #2 site began on April 29, 2014 and was substantially completed as of December 31, 2014. Formal occupancy of the new Fire Station #2 facility was attained on January 5, 2015. All work associated with Fire Station #2 is now complete.

Fire Station #4

At its meeting of August 5, 2014, City Council allocated funds for roof and wall repairs at Fire Station #4 through CR193/2014. A & G Metro Roofing Ltd. was awarded Tender 55-14 at a total tender price of $112,000.00 plus HST and Rocana Construction Inc. was awarded RFQ SF-061914-01 at a price of $37,200.00 plus HST.

Fire Station #5

The construction tender for the new Fire Station #5 project was originally tendered in March 2014 but was cancelled following the discovery of endangered Butler’s Garter Snake on site.

On May 20, 2014, City Council received an update regarding the status of Fire Station #5 construction. This update formally advised City Council that Tender #25-14 was cancelled as the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry determined that construction would contravene s.9 and s.10 of the ESA. This would have occurred through potential impacts to Species at Risk (SAR) and direct impacts to SAR habitat. As a result, an Overall Benefit Permit Application was prepared by the City for impacts to Butler’s Garter snake (BGS), Eastern Fox snake (EFS) and Willow leaf Aster.