“That City Council APPROVE the removal of conditions and DIRECT  administration to proceed with the acquisition of property on the corner of Northwood and Daytona, in the City of Windsor for a total sum of $385,000 and associated legal costs and disbursements; and

That City Council DIRECT administration to take steps necessary to utilize a  portion of the Long Park property for a fire hall; and

That although the intent of the real property policy was to apply to sale of City  property, given the ambiguity of the present policy that council WAIVE the following provisions of the “Dealings With Real Property Policy”, namely:

s. 4.1.5 obtain independent property appraisals for Real Property in o keeping with any requirements imposed by any applicable legislation, by- law, or this Policy;

5.2.1 For all Real Property with an estimated value of fifty thousand dollars o ($50,000.00) or more, at least one (1) appraisal based on “highest and best use” will be obtained from an accredited appraiser in accordance with the current standards of the Appraisal Institute of Canada;


That City Council AUTHORIZE the City Engineer and Manager of Purchasing  and Risk Management, in accordance with the purchasing by-law for time constrained purchases, to Sole Source the architect/consultant as may be needed, to adjust the drawings of recently built Fire Station 7, to allow for their use on the two respective new sites; […]

On February 18, 2014, City Council approved CR42/2014 as follows:

That $9.0 million BE CONFIRMED as the overall budget for the design and construction of the two new fire halls (Fire Hall 2 and Fire Hall 5), funded from;

a) Previously approved $5.0 million placeholder from within the Contingency allocation in the 2014 Enhanced Capital Budget Plan that was approved December 2, 2013 by City Council; and

b) The reallocation of $4.0 million of the previously approved $12.0 million placeholder (B38/2013) set aside for the upfront capital cost of a possible tenant for a new City Hall project.

II. That the City Engineer BE AUTHORIZED to issue two tenders for the new Fire Hall No. 2 and Fire Hall No. 5, satisfactory in legal form to the City Solicitor and in compliance with the Purchasing By-law.

III. That in order to expedite the construction of the two new fire halls by December 31, 2014 which are the responsibility of the City Engineer and subject to “tender only” (not RFP), and for which the tender submissions fall within the approved capital budget, that the Chief Administrative Officer and City Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to sign an agreement with the successful bidders, satisfactory in legal form to the City Solicitor, in financial content to the Chief Financial Officer and City Treasurer, and in technical content with the City Engineer, and further, that the results of these tenders be subsequently reported to City Council for information purposes.