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I am MALAK TAHA.owner the property 735 assumption i received letter from city of windsor notifed me closing the ally between 722 and 736 brant st. and louis st. By applicant from victoria shin lin .I actully see no reason to closed this ally since it been serve us as extre excess to our property and others. this ally its been missused by both properties 722 and 736 brant who keep throu stuff like furniture house belonings and renovations garbage

I suggest on owner 722 _ 736 brant st. 1 _ build new fence round the propert (snice the fence full parts been while like that) 2_clean the back yard both properties specially 736 cut trees renovation garbages put dain system .

dain system . 3_ ask the tenants not throu the extra stuff they don.t need when they moved out ( since these properties for rent always abd peoplemove out and in)

We recommend and ask to keep this ally open and we don.t like to be close for any reason

Thank u Let me know when u received my letter