Under Council Report CR25-2019, Dillon Consultant’s fees were revised by $118, 480.00 with an Amendment to their Agreement, File No. CON7896 dated June 22, 2017.This was to cover costs for added scope and delay in construction schedule. The specifics were identified in the Council Report CR25-2019.


During the course of construction we have encountered changes to the defined work scope and opportunities to address maintenance projects at a cost savings if implemented during the construction of this project. These changes required the Consultant to undertake additional design work and project administration.

The Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP) requires the City address the operating changes to the facility, due to the implementation of the Demand Response Program, in our registered Environmental Compliance Approval certificate (ECA). This requires implementing a source testing program of the emissions from the new diesel generator system under fully loaded conditions and producing a report to the MECP.

During construction we discovered the severe corrosion and aging of our three (3) high voltage transformers. These transformers were determined to be at end of life so we took the opportunity to consolidate our electrical bus duct feeds to the plant to two and only requiring two new transformers to reduce the net extra cost and enhance the emergency power distribution to the entire site. This required the change in design and product review after tender.

There is a project in the adjacent course bar screening building which if undertaken at the same time as this current MPH Diesel Generator project will realise a net cost savings. This new project was deemed essential due to a bin delivery truck damaging the building wall because of the alignment of the conveyor. We require the relocation of this wall to allow for the realignment of the conveyor thereby distancing the bin from the wall. We required Dillon to produce design drawings for contractor pricing.

As a result of the delays in contract award and equipment deliveries the projected timelines for completion have been extended and the consultant, Dillon Consulting Ltd., has requested a fee adjustment for Project Administration due to the extended length of the project.

Refer to below for schedule of scope and associated fees:

Item Scope Fee
1 MECP Source testing requirement $28,000.00
2 Transformer Replacement $13,300.00
3 Relocation of Wall $13,400.00
4 Extension in schedule $1,100.00
  TOTAL $55,800.00