show completion within 18 months.Applicants of successful projects will have six (6) months after the date of the LOCA to sign their CA.

The City of Windsor will own the stations, while monitoring, maintenance, repairs and data collection are performed by the successful RFP proponent under a five (5) year service agreement.

Risk Analysis:

All primary risks regarding site placement and electricity grid capacity are mitigated by City ownership of the properties and the local distribution company (ENWIN Utilities Ltd.).

Consultation with internal stakeholders has determined no issues in dedicating parking spaces to the project.

The construction window of 18 months required by the ZEVIP is ample based on the nature of the chosen locations, relatively small quantity of stations (10), and aforementioned efficiencies of execution.

There is a risk that future capital funding within the 8-year Capital Budget may be reduced and/or deferred as a mitigation measure in order to address the negative financial impacts related to the COVID-19 pandemic. Committing these funds from the Fleet Replacement Reserve will reduce the opportunity, should it be necessary, to leverage funds from this reserve in order to help offset potential pandemic costs. This risk may be mitigated through potential future Federal and Provincial funding which may be provided to assist municipalities with addressing the negative financial impact resulting from the pandemic.

Financial Matters:

The ZEVIP will pay up to 50% of Total Eligible Project Costs, to a maximum of $5,000 per charging connector on a Tier 2 unit. Any costs incurred prior to NRCAN approval of the project, will be considered ineligible.

Administration has selected Level-2 charging stations primarily based on lower unit costs and consistency with charging stations already in use by the corporate fleet. The sites selected also tend to already be utilized by departments for parking city vehicles.

The project cost breakdown is outlined in the chart below:

Capital Expense
x Dual-port Connected Electric Vehicle Charging Station
charging connectors]