The reliability of some volunteers was indeterminate. Although a 12-hour timeframe is given as a guideline for volunteers to clear their assigned addresses, not all were able to fully comply. This issue will be mitigated by reinforcing protocol by the Program Coordinator with the volunteer upon incident.

The expectation of some residents was to have snow shovelled on their property beyond the scope of the City sidewalk. The Program Coordinator reinforced protocol upon inquiry.

Program Successes

Many community groups were involved with the recruitment and procurement of volunteers, all of which expressed their interest in assisting with recruitment efforts in coming seasons.

Recognitions were received by a couple of appreciative residents of their “Snow Angels” and their ongoing efforts to assist with their snow removal needs.

We advertised as an incentive to assist with volunteer recruitment the entry of each registered volunteer into a draw to potentially win the top prize of a TABLET or 1 of 2 $50 Rec Express Cards. The winner of the TABLET this year is Silas Smith and the winners of the $50 Rec Express cards are Gurjeet Tatla and Gurwinder Singh.

Program Facilitation

The Corporation’s 311 service gather and process all initial requests for both resident and volunteer registration into the Snow Angel Program and forward this information to the Program Coordinator.

A temporary full-time Program Coordinator (Coordinator) was employed and charged with overseeing the operation and administration of the Snow Angel Program.

This Coordinator was able to:

The Coordinator was able to secure the involvement of many community groups and organizations to help with recruitment efforts such as:

Windsor Regional Hospital and Hotel DieuUniversity of Windsor