Given the personal requirements (such as health & safety reviews and police clearances) to staff these volunteer positions, the responsibility to administer, promote, review and implement the program moved from Public Works Operations Department to the Human Resources Department in the 2013/2014 Winter Season. This move has proven successful to abide by our Corporate Policies and Procedures and is expected to continue moving forward.

The Snow Angel Program received an annual budget allotment of $25,722 in 2016 per CR82/2014 establishing ongoing funding and Council’s commitment to the Snow Angel Program. The budget for the 2019/2020 season remained at $25,722.

This year the National Volunteer Week in Canada fell between April 19 – 25, 2020. In light of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and in keeping with the goal of social distancing to reduce the risk of infection, although a regular Council Meeting was not scheduled during Volunteer Week, we are taking this opportunity to recognize all of our volunteers for their commitment to the Snow Angel Program.


The total accumulation of snowfall in Windsor Essex for the months of November 2019 to March 2020 was 55.8 cm. In comparison, the total accumulation of snowfall for the months of November 2018 to March 2019 was 68.6 cm. While the accumulation of snow was much less this season, the need from residents continued, especially given the cold climates and winds during the winter season.

The City of Windsor was able to successfully recruit 60 volunteers for the Snow Angel 2019/2020 season. In comparison, 77 volunteers were recruited for the 2018/2019 season. We would suggest that a winter with less snow fall and warmer weather may have contributed to the lower volunteer numbers this past season.

The demand for a Snow Angel during the 2019/2020 season was 351. We are pleased that we were able to match 154 residents to 60 volunteers, as volunteers agreed to assist more than one resident.

Program Constraints

The program requires all volunteers acquire a Police Clearance as this is an important requirement when working with potentially vulnerable populations. Obstacles acknowledged in this area included the operating hours of the Police station may not be compatible with Volunteer schedules to obtain the police clearance, paying the fee for the Police Clearance up front and waiting to be reimbursed by the City as well as the wait period to receive a Police Clearance. The issue with police station hours has been mitigated by the Windsor Police offering the completion of a Police Clearance online through their website for a small additional fee, which the Corporation does cover for our volunteers.