Item No. 7.8


Council Report: CM 15/2020

Subject: Summary of Hotline Issues Referred to Management by PwC – 2020 Q1 - City Wide


Mayor and Members of City Council To:


THAT City Council RECEIVE FOR INFORMATION the Summary of Hotline Issues Referred to Management by PwC from January 1, 2020 – March 31, 2020 (attached as Appendix A).

Executive Summary: N/A


City Council approved CR110/2013 which approved the Hotline & Notification Protocol. The Hotline & Notification Protocol was subsequently updated with M234-2014 on May 20, 2014. PwC monitors the incoming calls, emails and letters to the City’s Concerned Citizen/Employee Hotline and uses the approved decision tree contained in the Protocol to determine whether PwC or City management is best suited to investigate and resolve each issue.

As of January 20, 2020, Internal Audit reports to the Auditor General, who will oversee all of Internal Audit's activities, which includes the Concerned Citizen/Employee Hotline.


For the period of January 1, 2020 to March 31, 2020, PwC referred eighteen (18) Hotline messages to management for investigation and action. For a summary of all Hotline messages referred to management by PwC for the period noted, please see Appendix A. As of the date of this report, all Hotline messages referred to management have been reviewed and have been closed. All issues from previous quarters have also been reviewed and closed.