Item 11.1-C 87/2020– Additional Information Memo



TO: Mayor and Members of Council

FROM: Jeff Hagan, Transportation Planning Senior Engineer

DATE: May 15, 2020

SUBJECT: Additional Information to report C 87/2020 Lane Closures for Physical Distancing - Wyandotte BIAs


That the additional information memo to report C 87/2020 BE RECEIVED for information.


At its May 4, 2020 meeting, Council passed the following resolution:


That administration BE DIRECTED to contact and work with both the Riverside and Pillette Village BIA’s to investigate lane closures in those BIA’s to accommodate social distancing and REPORT BACK to Council at the May 25, 2020 meeting; and further,

That administration INCLUDE IN THAT REPORT a more robust section on social distancing including possible statements from BIA’s or individuals and any type of empirical evidence that includes evidence that social distancing is not in effect there.

Report C 87/2020 provided the requested information in the first part of the resolution. This memorandum provides the information on social distancing requested in the second part of the resolution.


Information on social distancing in the Pillette Village and Riverside BIAs is provided below.

Information from BIAs

As directed by CR168/2020, Administration contacted the Executive Director of the Pillette Village and Riverside BIAs. She indicated that she had not received any concerns from the members of either BIA with regard to non-compliance with social distancing guidelines.

The Executive Director of the two BIAs has indicated that she will speak with her members and boards with the hope of providing an official written submission for the May 25, 2020 Council meeting.

Information from 311 Item 11.1-C 87/2020– Additional Information Memo