May 25, 2020 Item 8.11 Additional Information

From: Tom Crosby Sent: Thursday, May 21, 2020 7:01 PM To: clerks Subject: Alley being tried to close between Albert and Hickory

Subject: Alley being tried to close between Albert and Hickory

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My name is Tom Crosby. I live at 1758 Albert rd. I hear someone wants to close the alley behind me, I have an Alley ACCESS garage! I DO NOT NOT WANT IT TO BE CLOSED PLEASE. I uses this alley from both sides on a regular basis. I love having this alley access on both sides. There has not been any criminal activity in this alley as of now, Would not want to see people jumping my fence if they are suddenly stopped at a point. On Hickory they do not have one alley access garage so they do not care that Albert rd does have lots and we use the alley all the time.

Thank you city Council.

Tom Crosby