Item No. 7.1.3

March 16, 2020

Windsor City Council 350 City Hall Square, E., Windsor, ON, N9A 6S1

Mayor and Members of City Council,

My name is Jennifer Schuurman. I am a 34 year old part time nurse and a full time mother to two girls, Kate (4) and Lauren (2). As we all know, the housing market is on the rise and after losing in numerous multiple offers I was very fortunate to be given the opportunity to build a house the three of us could call our forever home. Our house will be the first new single family dwelling build in the Sandwich South agricultural lands. This will be the first new home has been built along Concessions 8, 9, and County Road 17 since the land was acquired by the City of Windsor from the Town of Tecumseh in 2003.

The purpose of this letter is to discuss my concerns regarding increased development charges By-law 60-2015 Sandwich South Planning District passed by City Council on May 04, 2015.

As you are aware By-law number 60-2015 was a result of a development charges background study for the Sandwich South Planning District prepared by Henson Consulting Ltd Limited setting out projects that are required to service anticipated development in Sandwich South to 2036. According to the Henson DC Background Study it is anticipated that significant development will occur within these two secondary plans over the planning period of 2018 to 2036. The study was prepared as part of a process to lead to an approval of City of Windsor development charges and to identify preliminary infrastructure works necessary to allow development to proceed within the Sandwich South Planning District now encompassing two secondary plan areas; the East Pelton Secondary Plan and the County Road 42 Secondary Plan. Referenced as Figure 2 and Figure 19 (plan copies attached for reference) respectively within the County Road 42 Secondary Plan Background Report prepared by MacNaugthton Hermen Britton Clarkson Planning Limited.

The Henson Background Study contains the following paragraphs:

▪ Reference page 9 "Several key steps are required when calculating any development charge however specific circumstances arise in each municipality that must be reflected in the calculation. Therefore, we have tailored our approach to the unique circumstances in the City of Windsor and the Sandwich South Planning District. The approach to the purposed development charges is focused on providing a reasonable alignment of development-related costs with the development that necessitates them."

▪ Reference page 45 "As such, this DC Amendment Background Study is intended to fund infrastructure works necessary to support development with the two secondary plan areas."

The Henson DC Background Study does not address development charges outside of the Sandwich South Planning District except for the following paragraph: