Decision Number: CR170/2020 That the report of the Corporate Policy Coordinator dated February 18, 2020 entitled “Animal Welfare – City Wide” BE RECEIVED. Carried.

Report Number: C 31/2020 Clerk’s File: MH/9496

7.3. Council Question CQ 26/2019 - Noise By-laws - City wide

Moved by: Councillor Gignac Seconded by: Councillor Bortolin

Decision Number: CR171/2020 That the report of the City Solicitor dated February 26, 2020 entitled “Council Question CQ26/2019 – Noise By-laws” BE RECEIVED for information; and further,

That administration, in response to the issue of excessive vehicle noise, BE DIRECTED to AMEND the City of Windsor’s Noise By-law #6716 being a by-law respecting the emission of sounds, in order for the by-law to reflect the recent changes made by the City of Toronto to their noise by- laws; and further,

That By-law Enforcement and Windsor Police Service BE REQUESTED to undertake regular community blitzes to educate the community and enforce these changes. Carried. Report Number: C 34/2020

Report Number: C 34/2020 Clerk’s File: GM2020

7.4. Results of the 2019 Tax Sale proceedings and the proposed 2020 Tax Sale process - City Wide

Moved by: Councillor Francis Seconded by: Councillor Gignac

Decision Number: CR172/2020 That City Council RECEIVE the information regarding the 2019 Tax Sale and 2020 Tax Sale plan for information. Carried.

Report Number: C 30/2020 Clerk’s File: AF2020

7.5. Your Quick Gateway (Windsor) Inc. 3rd Quarter 2019 Financial Statements - City Wide

Moved by: Councillor Francis Seconded by: Councillor Gignac