insurance claims caused by accidents with telephone/hydro poles and the neighbour’s garage? Questions like these are not addressed in the application but are important questions for the neighbours to have answered.
Not addressed in detail are the concerns with water and wastewater adding a four plex into an already old and needing to replace infrastructure, which we have been told is not in the plans for at least ten years. This is setting up the neighbours for flooding issues that are unnecessary but will be similar to what occurred two years ago during the heavy rainstorms.
A proper, engineer and architect approved site plan should be presented. Concerns with parking and traffic control/flow should be addressed. A plan submitted on how to improve and meet all the required by-laws, and a serious look at the by-laws being overlooked to make this 4 plex fit on the property should be seriously considered and addressed before the rezoning is approved. (please see photograph 6 in the appendix)
Finally, the opinion and concerns of the residents of the neighbourhood should be heard, addressed, and considered prior to the rezoning being approved.
The majority of residents in the area are opposed to this rezoning with good and legitimate reasons. We are asking to be heard and our concerns addressed.
The rezoning of this property does not make sense and should not be approved at this time.