Item 8.10 Additional Information May 4, 2020 Council Meeting

From: Jim Brophy Sent: Friday, May 01, 2020 11:59 AM To: clerks Cc: James Brophy; Marg Keith Subject: RE: Acceleration of Measures in Light of Climate Emergency Declaration

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Dear Council Members,

We believe as we live through this current pandemic that we must take seriously and act proactively to anticipate threats to public health and well-being such as the accelerating impacts of global warming. There will be no excuse to fail in supporting a Climate Emergency Plan.

Acceleration play is a crucial way of taking such precautionary measures at the level of the municipality. Such important provisions as ensuring that all administrative reports to the council moving forward, and have a climate risks/climate assessment provision. Also, it would create a $150,000 Climate Reserve Fund that staff could leverage for federal grants and more.

Also importantly, the plan needs to lay out a strategy to secure emissions reductions targets in the Community Energy Plan of 2017.

Thank you for your kind consideration

Sincerely yours

James Brophy, Ph.D. and Margaret Keith, Ph.D.