• The primary mandate of the Heritage Act and a heritage designation is the preservation and conservation of heritage structures. The modifications to the building with the new roof and subfloor allows for the preservation and conservation of the significant heritage building.

• Though the owners worked with staff, there is one remaining outstanding issue. Staff do not support the retention of the new roof and subfloor. By the removal of the new roof and subfloor the integrity of the structure is at risk and there is concerns for safety of the residents.

• The owners wish to retain the new roof and subfloor over the first floor and have accommodated this addition and modified the scalloped parapets to maintain the profile of the heritage facade with sufficient depth to hide the floor.

• Respectfully, we are requesting Council approve the Heritage Alteration Permit necessary for the re-establishment of the items identified as 1-5 on slide 4; the installation of the glass railing balcony; and the allowance for the new roof and subfloor to remain behind the front façade.

• Thank you for your considerations.