b) That the route is shared by both pedestrians and cyclists. Parents should especially be careful of their children.

Comments Received from Events Coordinator

There has been some discussion in some municipalities, particularly larger centers, about health and wellness being essential services to the welfare of citizens and that public spaces and right of ways have seen increases in pedestrian use. Many are looking at expanding potential areas and repurposing others (such as roadways) to accommodate the large number of people and maintaining social distancing in a safe manner.

Edmonton and Vancouver are examples that have done such.

Riverside Drive, though easier to close due to the fact there is little interference from the north side of the Drive, is a roadway that is highly used. Limiting vehicle access to the outer lanes would likely require some heavy material (barriers) to ensure compliance by motorists. One might want to consider less travelled roadways or completely shut down the center lane to the north lane (both lanes in other words) so that pedestrians could use just the north lane for walking, and maintain a lane between west flow traffic.

We have such a good trail system though along the waterfront and it is apparent why some may feel there is ample safe space already provided along a 5Km length. Creating walkways through use of cones in parks (in other words, temporary walkways) is another idea being explored in other cities to give people access under controlled conditions to parks that have been closed. This option would require some minor equipment and staff to create. It is a much safer alternative than trying to create a mixture of vehicles and pedestrians. There is the alternative of completing closing a roadway down by removing vehicle access, which for Riverside Drive one might want to explore.

Other Considerations:

Limit Closures to Locations Where Practicing Social Distancing is Problematic

While temporarily closing lanes and roads provides pedestrians and cyclists with additional space it should be utilized only where practicing physical distancing presents a significant challenge. When additional space is required to practice physical distancing the closure should be short and located at pinch points such as at bridges or hotspots of regular sidewalk congestion. In addition, the overall number of the lane/road closures should be kept to a minimum.

Duration of Temporary Lane/Road Closure

The Council Question asked indicated that the closures would be temporary and only last as long as social distancing regulations were in place from the Province of Ontario.

The Government of Ontario recently announced a framework for reopening businesses and public spaces. The announced framework has three stages.