Received from Traffic Technician Comments

The first cause of concern is that pylons themselves will not adequately protect pedestrians from vehicles. There is a lot of extra liability with adding any items onto the roadway. The items would have to be continually monitored as well. Riverside Drive usually experiences some of the worst wind gusts.

Another concern is that once this temporary situation is over, there may be some push back about returning to 2 lanes.

The last concern is how to put controls at each driveway/intersection.

Comments received from Parking Enforcement

One concern is how to properly buffer between vehicular and pedestrian traffic. Enforcement and encroachments on abutting streets adjacent to the closures become congested and sometimes impassable for emergency services and residents.

Received From Transit Windsor Comments

If the curb lanes in either direction are closed, buses would have to stop in the middle lane to pick up/drop off passengers. There is a significant step up to the bus from the roadway. Transit service is resuming May 4th, 2020 and access to the bus will be through rear door boarding only. The buses only kneel at the front and to load a wheelchair from the front and the roadway (not a sidewalk) would be problematic.

Comments Received from Risk Management

Unlike Toronto and other large cities, we do not typically see large crowds on our sidewalks. By doing this we may be promoting the use of the road/sidewalk, when the main message from the Federal level is to stay home. Opening up the roads may be an invitation to congregate more when space is not currently an issue.

Should lane/road closures occur, Risk Management recommends the following:

1) That all safety measures be followed as recommended by the Health Unit with respect to distancing, wearing of masks, etc.

2) That roads are blocked for the safety of pedestrians on the street.

3) That signage is posted for motorists and pedestrians.

4) Consideration of a speed limit for cyclists especially when pedestrians are present.

5) Communication to the public regarding: a) What is open or closed. For example are public washrooms open along the waterfront (if Riverside Drive is closed).