Physical Health

Protective Factor Definition
Accessing consistent resources/services
to improve on-going physical health
established and ongoing medical support for a chronic health
issue through a consistent service provider
Accessing resources/services to
improve a temporary physical health
accessing resources and/or services to treat a short-term illness
or injury
Demonstrates commitment to
maintaining good physical health
exercises regularly, eats a balanced diet
Positive physical health appears to be in good physical health
Primary care physician has a family doctor

Pro-social/Positive Behaviour

Protective Factor Definition
Optimism and positive expectations for
has a positive expectation for their future which could lead to
positive decisions/behaviour
Positive interpersonal skills the ability to interact positively and work effectively with others
Positive pro-social behaviours engages in activities/behaviours that positively impact others
prompted by empathy, moral values, sense of personal
responsibility (e.g., sharing, volunteering, etc.)
Sense of responsibility takes responsibility for their own actions
Strong engagement/affiliation in
community, spiritual and/or cultural
involved in positive activities with cultural, religious, spiritual
and/or social groups that strengthen community ties and social
Strong problem-solving skills the ability to address issues and solve day-to-day problems in
an effective, calm manner

Social Support Network

Protective Factor Definition
Close friendships with positive peers associates with people who positively affect their thoughts,
actions or decisions
High level of trust in community
support services
believes community support services are willing/able to
help/influence them in a positive way
High level of trust in police believes the police are willing/able to help them in a positive
Positive role models/relationship with
engagement with a positive role model/adult who they receive
support from and can look up to