Protective Factor Definition
Positive work environment working in an environment that is safe, supportive and free of
Stable employment steady paid employment
Temporary financial support receiving a financial supplement on a short or fixed-term basis
in order to overcome a temporary obstacle (e.g., Ontario
Works, etc.)
Work life balance positive use of time; employment schedule includes adequate
down-time and time to pursue personal interests

Housing and Neighbourhood

Protective Factor Definition
Access to/availability of resources,
professional services and social
access to/availability of resources, professional services and
social supports
Access to stable housing stable housing is available that they may access at any time
Appropriate, sustainable housing lives in appropriate, sustainable housing, in which they are
reasonably expected to remain
Housing in close proximity to services lives in close proximity to resources, professional services and
social supports
Positive, cohesive community resides in a community that promotes positive thoughts and/or
behaviour and has a reasonable level of social cohesion
Relationships established with
relationships with neighbours assist in providing a strong
network of support

Mental Health

Protective Factor Definition
Accessing resources/services related to
mental health
currently accessing resources and/or services (i.e., involved in
counselling, seeing a psychologist, addictions counselling, etc.)
Adaptability ability and willingness to adjust to different situations while
communicating and building relationships
Personal coping strategies the ability to solve/minimize personal and interpersonal
problems related to stress or conflict
Self-efficacy belief in their own ability to complete tasks and reach goals;
Self esteem positive perceptions of his/her self-worth
Taking prescribed medication taking prescribed medication for a mental health disorder in
accordance with doctor's instructions