Tool 3 – Asset Mapping

Achieving community safety and well-being is a journey; before partners involved in the development of a plan can map out where they want to go, and how they will get there, they need to have a clear understanding of their starting point. Early in the planning process, they may wish to engage in asset mapping to help to:

Mapping community assets involves reviewing existing bodies (i.e., groups/committees/ boards), analyzing social networks, and/or creating an inventory of strategies. This will help to ensure that planning is done as efficiently and effectively as possible.

Existing Body Inventory

When the community safety and well-being planning coordinator(s) from the municipality or Band Council is identifying members of their bodies to assist in the development and implementation of their plan, creating an inventory of existing bodies will help to determine if it is appropriate for them to take on these roles. Often there is repetition of the individuals who sit on committees, groups, boards, etc., and utilizing a body that already exists may reduce duplicative efforts and ultimately result in time savings.

Mapping existing bodies is also beneficial in order to make connections between a community's plan and work already being done, revealing potential opportunities for further collaboration. The chart below outlines an example of how bodies may be mapped:

Existing Body Purpose/Mandate Members Connection to Plan Opportunities for Collaboration

Youth Homelessness Steering Committee
To address youth homelessness by increasing employment opportunities for youth and reducing waitlists for affordable housing Municipality School Board Mental Health Agency Child Welfare Organization Employment Agency Unemployment is a priority risk factor within the community that the plan will focus on addressing A representative from the municipality sits on this committee as well as the advisory committee and will update on progress made
Mental Health Task Force To ensure community members that are experiencing mental health issues are receiving the proper supports Band Council Hospital Drop-in Health Clinic Mental Health Agency Child Welfare Organization Homeless Shelter Mental health is a priority risk factor within the community that the plan will focus on addressing This group will be used as an implementation team to develop and enhance strategies to address mental health in social development and prevention