From time to time, transit fares may be waived for a specific promotion or event. For example, on Municipal Election Days in recent years, the transit fare is waived when a rider provides their voter registration card. The fare is recorded and submitted for reimbursement to Transit Windsor as part of the municipal election costs. Another example includes the free transit service provided for the Annual Ford Fireworks. In this example, sponsorships are provided to cover all associated operating costs and any lost revenue. For the last 11 years, Zehrs has provided the sponsorship for this event. All promotional dates are approved by the Transit Windsor Board of Directors and City Council.

Outside of the Fare Policies, Transit Windsor also has a policy with regards to Complimentary Charter Services.

Resolution/ Policy T.W. 72/2011 adopted at the meeting of September 27, 2011, provides that:

Complimentary charters will only be approved for environmental charters (Earth Day) and all other request for complimentary or lower cost charters will be denied. An exception to this policy is that a discount may be offered by administration for charters that are provided at the request of the City for City of Windsor business if the charter is to be paid for by that City Department and is not funded by a third party or is for profit. A further exception to allow discounts for charters may be made by administration for significant events hosted by the City or for City Departments on an ad hoc basis for special needs (i.e. funeral) at the discretion of the General Manager/Executive Director.

Risk Analysis:


Financial Matters:

All of the discounted fare policies are incorporated into the annual operating budget with limited financial impact.

