
Council Report: S 12/2020

Subject: CQ30-2019 - Discounted Fares Offered to Transit Windsor Riders - City Wide


To: Mayor and Members of City Council


That the Environment, Transportation and Public Safety Standing Committee, sitting as the Transit Windsor Board of Directors RECEIVE FOR INFORMATION the report in response to CQ30-2019 – Discounted Fares Offered to Transit Windsor Riders.

Executive Summary:



At the October 7, 2019 meeting of City Council, Councillor Morrison asked the following question (CQ30-2019) of the Executive Director, Transit Windsor:

Asks that Administration report to Council on the various instances when discounted fares are offered to Transit Windsor riders beyond what is already outlined in our official fare policy. In addition, that administration outline the criteria in place for fare reduction events to be considered.


Transit Windsor has limited fare policies outside of the Council approved User Fee Schedule for transit fares. All fares are within either the fare structure or the existing policies as approved by the Transit Windsor Board of Directors and City Council. In October 2019, the Transit Windsor Board of Directors and City Council approved an updated fare structure to recognize the changing policies in the transit industry. Effective July 2020, the new fare structure will be implemented with changes that include: