Independent musicians who rely on income from performances at restaurants, bars and nightclubs have cancelled their 'gigs' as small businesses are forced to close their doors in the interest of protecting public health and safety. Theatre, dance and music-based productions, art and history exhibitions, book launches, workshops, summer camps and classes as far out as July and August of 2020 are being postponed or cancelled at an increasingly rapid rate as the local creative community does its part to follow required guidelines for social distancing to help fight the spread of COVID-19 in Windsor-Essex.

The City of Windsor has been doing its part to encourage people to support our local creative community since the pandemic began. The Culture section of the City's website includes the page "Creative Community COVID-19 Resources" that links local creatives with municipal, provincial and federal resources to help individuals, organizations and businesses through this challenging time. Culture E-blasts highlighting these resources were sent directly to over 500 members of the creative community via email. Additionally, Mayor Drew Dilkens expanded on the #YQGStandsStrong initiative to include social media promotions targeting community support towards our creative community by encouraging residents to:

The City of Windsor has an opportunity to provide more tangible support for the creative community at this time, while also giving Windsorites a renewed sense of pride during this crisis.

Administration strongly supports leveraging the ACHF grant program to support local creatives affected by COVID-19, while supporting projects that will have a positive impact on all Windsorites navigating social distancing at home during this time.

The first ACHF funding round of 2020 was adjudicated in February 2020, with $43,600 awarded to 21 projects. The second round of funding is set to open in July 2020. The funding for this program and the Cultural Affairs Operating budget were approved as part of the 2020 budget process. Given the likelihood that the planned second round of funding will be significantly impacted by the COVID-19 crisis, Administration recommends bringing the second funding round forward immediately, as an enhanced "ACHF COVID-19 Funding Round" to be administered as follows: