(b) that, on failure to complete the new building within the time specified in the permit issued under Section 5, the Clerk shall be entitled to enter on the collectors roll, to be collected in like manner as municipal taxes, such sum of money as may be determined by Council but not in any case to exceed the sum of twenty Thousand Dollars ($20,000.00) for each dwelling unit contained in the residential property in respect of which the demolition permit is issued, and such sum shall, until payment thereof, be a lien or charge upon the land in respect of which the permit to demolish the residential property is issued.

The applicant has indicated in their Building Permit for Demolition application that they intend to demolish and remove the footings and foundation. The redevelopment plan (approved Site Plan) indicates that the owners plan to construct a two (2) storey addition once the existing two (2) storey single unit detached dwelling located at 3842 Peter Street has been demolished. The new addition will house a show room and shop on the first floor and a board room with offices with a storage mezzanine on the second storey (See Appendix 'B'). Processing this application is consistent with the recommendation of the Sandwich CIP regarding continuing to process Demolition Control By-law exemption requests.

The plan to demolish the existing two (2) storey single unit detached dwelling and to replace it by constructing a two (2) storey addition to the existing adjacent one (1) storey building to the south (located at 3846 Peter Street) is in keeping with Section 1.27.12, Vol. II of the City's Official Plan regarding Demolition within the Sandwich Community Improvement Plan (CIP) area, because the applicant is required to submit the following prior to obtaining a building permit for demolition:

(a) a plan for redevelopment in conformity with the Official Plan and Zoning By-law requirements (all plans will be reviewed to ensure compliance the Official Plan and Zoning By-law),

(b) an executed Site Plan Control Agreement ; and

(c) appropriate securities to ensure the redevelopment occurs within a specified time period and to fulfill the conditions of the Site Plan Control Agreement

Risk Analysis:

Risk Analysis: The Building Department has not received nor conducted a review of the building plans to confirm compliance with the Ontario Building Code and applicable law (e.g. zoning by-law). The review will take into consideration the plan's compliance with the Zoning By-Law provisions and other relevant legislation.

Should the applicant fail to construct the proposed development identified in Appendices 'B' within two (2) years of the commencement of the demolition, the Clerk