The WBDA has indicated that they have tentatively scheduled the Sandwich Street Improvements to begin in 2021 in order to be complete in 2024.
Therefore, it is critical that the City proceeds with the upgrade of the existing sewers within the work limits before WDBA commences their Sandwich Street Improvements project.
The pre-commitment of funds currently included within the 2020 Capital budget would allow administration to proceed with sewer works ahead of the planned Community Benefits - Sandwich Street Improvements.
Risk Analysis:
Archeological Risk:
The work limits are within an area of high archeological potential. There is a significant risk that this area will have archeological concerns. Mitigating measures include reducing the extent of excavation by rehabilitating the sewers through a relining process. In addition, the project includes limited contingency to account for unforeseen archeological factors.
Timing Risks:
There is a high risk of sewer repairs requiring excavation of a newly built roadway if the sewer improvements are not completed ahead of the WDBA's work. Mitigating measures include obtaining funding and project approval required to complete the sewer improvements. Approving the recommendations will prevent future disturbing/excavating of the newly constructed pavement, and therefore reducing the overall warranty and longevity of the new roadway.
The pre-commitment of funds from the 2020 Capital Budget would allow administration to upgrade the City's underground infrastructure with one contract and allow for reduced construction time costs, city exposure to claims and ensuring completion before the WDBA commences the Sandwich Street Improvements project.
Community Impact Risk:
Upgrading the City's underground infrastructure with one contract would shorten the duration of construction and its associated impacts to the nearby community and city exposure to claims.
Financial Matters:
The 2020 8-year Capital Budget includes $8,763,550 in funding for the Sandwich St. Sewer Rehabilitation Project (ENG-013-20). A portion of this funding, $3,084,000 falls