awarded the general contractor tender to build the new marina, and Kehoe Marine hired Four-O-One Electric as a sub-contractor to do the electrical work.


Construction on the new docking system began in early January 2020. In and around mid-February, Four-O-One Electric discovered that an update would be required for the electrical requirements in order to meet Marina needs and codes. Administration worked with the consultants to come up with a cost effective solution, and Integrated Engineering released an updated design to address these requirements on March 10, 2020. At that time, the design was sent to the contractors to determine if there would be any additional costs required to complete the design.

Now that the contractors have been able to review the new requirements, it has been determined that there will be additional costs required to complete the design. These costs are estimated to be approximately $280,000. Administration had originally intended to use contingency funding to offset the cost of the new design however it has since been determined that the required amount exceeds what was originally set aside in the contingency plan for this project. As a result, Administration is requesting additional funding, as noted in the financial section of this report. These funds will allow the project to proceed and be completed without reducing the project scope. A P & C Memo accompanies this report.

These funds will allow the project to proceed and be completed without reducing the project scope.

Risk Analysis:

The delay caused by the redesign will lead to a delay in opening of the Marina in 2020. The exact amount of time for the delay is not yet known. Administration will continue to work with the contractor to mitigate the delay to the extent possible. It is also noted that due to the current state of emergency in the Province of Ontario, there is potential for current conditions to impact the completion of the project.

Financial Matters:

The Lakeview Park Marina project for the dock and associated electrical changes was awarded additional funding of $2M at the November 18, 2019 City Council meeting (CR553/2019) bringing the total approved budget for the project to $5M. The pending insurance claim may result in additional funding which can be utilized to cover a portion of the additional $480,000 shortfall identified in this report.

The Lakeview Park Marina reserve (Fund 165) is then recommended to fund any remaining balance. While there is not sufficient funding in the reserve at this time the reserve is expected to start to generate revenues which will replenish the reserve. addition, the $480,000 requested in this report is for $280,000 in expected updated