
Item 11.3

Council Report: C 58/2020

Subject: Lakeview Park Marina Dock Replacement Updates - Ward 7


To: Mayor and Members of City Council


THAT City RECIEVE this report as information, and further;

THAT City Council APPROVE additional funding up to a maximum of $480,000 to complete the installation of the docks and associated electrical work at Lakeview Park Marina and:

THAT City Council APPROVE the use of any funding from the pending insurance claim, which falls above the amount that was already previously identified as funding for this project; and further,

That any remaining shortfall BE FUNDED from the Lakeview Park Marina Reserve, noting the reserve may be in a deficit for a period of time

Executive Summary:



In 2019, Council approved that the docks at Lakeview Park Marina be replaced after experiencing significant water damage as a result of high water levels. Rather than repairing the docks to their previous condition, the plan was to replace them with a floating dock system that would accommodate fluctuating water levels. Archon Architect was awarded the design contract for this project. Archon hired Integrated Engineering as an electrical sub-contractor to prepare the electrical design work and Riggs Engineering to design the floating dock system. Kehoe Marine Construction was