
Item 11.1

Council Report: C 56/2020

Subject: Appointment of Acting Mayor for April 2020-City Wide


To: Mayor and Members of City Council


Recommendation: That Council APPROVE an amendment to By-law Number 176-2018 being a by-law to appoint members of Council to act as Mayor as follows:

That Councillor Gignac be added to the previously approved Acting Mayor roster for the month of April, 2020, in place of Irek Kusmierczyk, whose Ward 7 council seat was deemed vacant by Council on November 18, 2019 via CR580/2019; and further,

That the necessary amending by-law, attached as Appendix "A", BE ENACTED

Executive Summary:



During the Mayor's absences from the municipality or due to illness, the practice has developed whereby a Councillor is requested to undertake ministerial functions, such as executing documents necessary or desirable for the transaction of municipal and/or third party business. In the event of an emergency, a pre-authorized Head of Council is also desirable. Section 226 of the Municipal Act authorizes Council to pass a by-law to provide for this matter.


Discussion: Windsor City Council, at its meeting held December 17, 2018 enacted by-law 176-2018 (attached as Appendix "B") which provides for a scheduled roster for Acting Mayor for the 2019-2022 term of Council.