On-site meetings:

Advice from public health officials need to be taken seriously during this pandemic. In terms of on-site meetings, both screening and social distancing measures such as a reconfigured seating plan will be put into effect.

Risk Analysis:

The Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has the potential to disrupt the meetings of Council and its committees. Members of Council may find themselves in selfisolation or quarantine for a variety of reasons. Those members that may wish to participate in meetings of Council and its committees, however, would be unable to do so.

Given the current pandemic, the Province of Ontario has enacted legislation giving municipalities the ability to utilize electronic participation as a viable method for members to participate when they would otherwise be unable to do so for medical/health reasons.

It is recommended that electronic participation be allowed on a trial basis in order to evaluate the effectiveness and limitations of it, and to allow for all members to continue their responsibilities for decision-making and governance.

Financial Matters:

Immediate costs associated with implementing the technology to allow electronic participation will be within existing budgets and using the new, existing technological infrastructure embedded in Council Chambers and dedicated meeting room(s), located in the new 350 City Hall Square building.



The proposed amendments to the City of Windsor's Procedure By-law 98-2011 will update the by-law to permit electronic participation on a trial basis, to allow members of Council to participate in Council/Committee meetings when they would otherwise be unable to do so as a result of the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

Administration has been working on a review of the entire Procedure By-law and remains committed to bringing a report to Council later this year with housekeeping amendments. A full scope of electronic participation is also part of this review.

Planning Act Matters:
