In addition to the abovementioned areas of concern, the proposed cannabis retailer is also located within a residential area of high material deprivation. This area represents a population in our community who is inequitably vulnerable to the effects of substance use and harms:

Material Deprivation Level(s) of Surrounding Residential Area Description

Material Deprivation Level:
  • 4 - 5 (most deprived)

Material deprivation is associated with poverty and the inability for individuals/communities to access and attain basic material needs. This indicator is classified into quintiles with scores ranging from “1” to “5” where a score of “5” refers to an area experiencing the highest level of deprivation. This indicator combines the following sociodemographic details collected from the Canadian census:
  • Proportion of the population aged 20+ without a high-school diploma
  • Proportion of families who are lone parent families
  • Proportion of total income from government transfer payments for population aged 15+
  • Proportion of the population aged 15+ who are unemployed
  • Proportion of the population considered low-income
  • Proportion of households living in dwellings in need of major repair

Should the City of Windsor wish to provide feedback regarding this application to the Registrar of the Alcohol and Gaming Commission, the WECHU is able to provide additional consultation and support. If you have any questions, would like to discuss these recommendations, or if you are interested in enhancing your current policy statement, I would be happy to arrange a meeting by phone or in person at your earliest convenience.

Thank you,
