In addition to the abovementioned areas of concern, the proposed cannabis retailer is also located within a residential area of high material deprivation. This area represents a population in our community who is inequitably vulnerable to the effects of substance use and harms:

Material Deprivation Level(s) of Surrounding Residential Area Description

Material Deprivation Levels within  150m:
  • 3, 4, 5 (most deprived)Material Deprivation Levels within  250m:
  • 3, 4, 5 (most deprived)Material Deprivation Levels within  500m:
  • 1, 3, 4, 5 (most deprived)

Material deprivation is associated with poverty and the inability for individuals/communities to access and attain basic material needs. This indicator is classified into quintiles with scores ranging from “1” to “5” where a score of “5” refers to an area experiencing the highest level of deprivation. This indicator combines the following sociodemographic details collected from the Canadian census:
  • Proportion of the population aged 20+ without a high-school diploma
  • Proportion of families who are lone parent families
  • Proportion of total income from government transfer payments for population aged 15+
  • Proportion of the population aged 15+ who are unemployed
  • Proportion of the population considered low-income
  • Proportion of households living in dwellings in need of major repair