 The proposed site is only directly accessible from Tecumseh Road by eastbound drivers. This presents a situation by which westbound drivers, unless they turn onto Lauzon Road and enter via the rear laneway, could potentially gain site access by making a Uturn at Annie Street – an undesirable and largely unsafe maneuver on such a busy roadway that would increase the risk for motor vehicle collisions.

 From Google Maps, the rear of the store appears to back directly onto an undesignated space comprised primarily of scrub vegetation and resultantly limited observation capability. This reduces overall "visual accountability" compared to the front of the store, making this space more attractive to unlawful behaviour.


Property is situated in a relatively busy commercial section fronting busy Tecumseh Road East and backs onto a discreet space with limited observation capability and nearby residences

 The very nature of the business (sales of Cannabis products) warrants a high degree of target hardening security features, above what a more conventional retail business may require, in order to prevent criminal activity from germinating. This should come in the form of higher security locking hardware, high resolution CCTV recording capability, a security alarm system, robust illumination levels and clear instructional signage.