City of Windsor

Department of Community Development and Health

From the previous AGCO submission regarding the cannabis retail outlet proposed for Ouellette Avenue, it appears that the City wants to prevent an outlet near treatment facilities, schools, community centres, and parks, as examples. We are looking to keep such outlets away from services for youth and/or vulnerable individuals. While not specifically within the 150m threshold adopted in the City's guidelines, we do note that a cannabis retail site at 7833 Tecumseh East would be in the general vicinity of:

Legal Department

There are no legal issues related to this application at this time.

Department of Parks, Recreation and Culture

No comment at this time, as the proposed location is more than 500 m from any park, trail or community centre.

Windsor Fire and Rescue Services

WFRS does not have any concerns with the location of the proposed cannabis store at 7833 Tecumseh Rd E. The building is stand alone, brick and block construction and the site has ample parking. There is adequate fire department access as it fronts on Tecumseh Rd E.

An inspection prior to opening is required to identify the location and quantity of the product and any special hazards.

Planning & Building Department

The parcel located at 7833 Tecumseh Rd E is zoned Commercial CD3.3 which permits the proposed retail store.

Any renovations undertaken must comply with all applicable law, including Cannabis Act regulations, as well as the Building Code Act, 1992 and the Ontario Building Code. Applicants should consult with Development Services staff regarding necessary approvals, permits and inspections.