2. Introductions
The members and administrative staff provide introductions to the appellants that are present.
3. Disclosures of Interest
None disclosed.
4. Adoption of the Minutes
Moved by Councillor Francis, seconded by Councillor Sleiman, That the minutes of the Court of Revision of its meeting held December 17, 2019 BE ADOPTED as presented. Carried.
5. Appellants – Repair and Improvements to the Cahill Drain
Stephen Nimigon, Daphne Law, and Peter and Karen Morgan are present to substantiate their reasons for appeal. The following comments represent a culmination of statements provided by the appellants:
- Inequitable assessment, i.e. some property owners assessed at 50%, some at 40% and some at 38%.
- Requesting the consultant provide the details of a 50% assessment.
- Upstream owners that do not have a bridge, are not assessed with any of the cost.
- Concerned that his 50.7% is not across the board and requests that the percentage be reduced to be equitable among the other property owners.
- There is a small group who will be paying thousands of dollars while others will pay minimal amounts.
- Cannot afford the assessment of $18,000 for bridge improvements and repairs. He adds if there is a lien on his home, it will be difficult to sell.
- Some owners are paying the brunt of the cost for the bridge improvements which is unethical.
- The Drainage Act was put in place for farmers.
- Requesting that the term to pay for the bridge improvements on their municipal taxes be increased 5 to 10 years over and above the current 10 year practice.