
Item No. 11.2

Council Report: C 18/2020

Subject: Declaration of Vacant Land Municipally Known as 1191 Drouillard Road Surplus and Authority to Offer for Sale - Ward 5


To: Mayor and Members of City Council


I. THAT the following City of Windsor (the "City") vacant parcel of land BE DECLARED surplus:

II. THAT the Manager of Real Estate Services BE AUTHORIZED to offer the vacant parcel of land identified in Recommendation I for sale on the MLS at a price to be determined by the Manager of Real Estate Services commensurate with an independent appraisal.

Executive Summary:



The City owns a vacant parcel of land with an area of 4,085 sq ft (379.5 m2) being Part Lots 153 and 154 on Registered Plan 620 as shown on the aerial image attached as Appendix A.