2.2 Determine form of agreement and compliance therewith for CHAA restoration of City asset. As per the above, there is currently no formal agreement in place between CHAA and the City of Windsor for the Lancaster restoration. Parties appear to be operating as if the original 10 year agreement was extended.
    IA inquired with the management team regarding agreement compliance by CHAA. Management indicated that CHAA provides monthly updates to management regarding the work done with regards to restoration as well as also provides an annual report which is further submitted for Council review. Management indicated that CoW management also visits CHAA 3-4 times a year for observation purposes and/or to attend events
    Management also indicated that a 3rd party consultant independently evaluated the work done by CHAA which provided a satisfactory report.
    IA inspected the progress report submitted by CHAA to management and Council in 2016. The report provided detailed updates with regards to restoration details as of Feb 2016 as per the agreement.
    IA also inspected the third party consultant evaluation report dated May 2, 2016 by a Chief Engineer, Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum. The report indicates that as per inspection/observation of the Lancaster plane, the details noted in progress report by CHAA are accurate in detailing the work that has been completed to date. The repairs that have been made would be more than adequate for an aircraft that will be potentially run and taxied in the future.
2.3 Understand lease and financing arrangements for site rental and fees.

IA inquired with the management team regarding the leasing and financing arrangement with CHAA which is using YQG land for the Lancaster restoration. Management indicated that:

- There is an agreement between CoW and CHAA that exists with respect to leasing and financing. Council has agreed on a lump sum amount of $50,000 in annual funding to CHAA for the payment with respect to land lease, insurance, utilities for facility etc. Management also indicated that the restoration cost is financed by CHAA via fundraising. Restoration costs are not part of the planned City funding.

IA obtained the lease agreement and noted there is a lease from Jan 1, 2000 onwards for a term of five (5) years with an option of 3 further extensions for 5 years each, provided that the lessee sends a written notification regarding its intent to renew prior to lease end. This agreement was dated May 31, 2001 and signed by the Mayor of the City and CHAA president.IA also inspected the council resolution dated Aug 2, 2016 that approves the funding level for the Canadian Historical Aircraft Association to support the restoration as presented in Option Two of the administrative report – up to $50,000/year (10 year agreement) subject to the development of a suitable Stewardship Agreement with the Canadian Historical Aircraft Association for the restoration of the Lancaster Bomber FM 212, which outlines expectations for restoration and reporting, projected timelines, and measurable results including benchmarks moving forward for a term to be reviewed and determined by the Council.

2.4 Understand and assess City oversight process and status of restoration IA inquired with the management team regarding the City oversight process on restoration and found that CHAA provides monthly updates to the management followed by an annual report which is submitted for Council review. Management also indicated that during the year, the management team visits CHAA for observation and inspection and also attends the events held by CHAA. IA inspected the monthly, as well as yearly progress reports. During the review of 2018 annual progress report submitted, IA noted that a month to month Jan - Dec summary update was documented with respect to restoration of Lancaster. The summary information included the repair, replacement of parts, and volunteer labor hours that were incurred.Further, a third party was noted as having corroborated the restoration status and efforts to the point in time of their assessment - see 2.2 above and 2.5 below..