
Finding Recommendation & Action Plan
1. Consideration to make appropriate disclosure to citizens should be given
Observation As per agreement between CoW and SLWC, a financial arrangement between CoW and SLWC exisits which states that on an annual basis a percentage of revenue from warranty products collected from homeowners will be paid to CoW. This financial arrangement, an alternative revenue source, has been made public via a report presented to the Council. However such disclosure was not made to the citizens explicitly in the letter nor on the City website. Recommendation Managment should ensure consideration of making such references clearer in CoW or Counter party’s communications for future events.
Management action plan:Administration will consult with the Legal Department and/or the Corporate Communications Division to consider the best course of action to present this option and make it clearer for the residents.
Responsible party:Coordinator, Right of Way & Field Services
Due date:Q4 2020