2. Review and Prioritize Action Plan Implementation of 2014 Business Process Review Findings (Design Effectiveness) Overall Rating:Low
Impact: Low Likelihood: Likely
Observation: A significant number of findings/improvements noted in the “2014 Property Development Approval Service Review” are expected to be addressed via the planned Evolve Project implementation (currently in the testing phase),management did not formally assign a prioritization framework/criteria to the findings and perform periodic (i.e. quarterly/semi-annual) reporting in regards to the action plan status of those findings.
Implication:The City may be vulnerable to significant, if any, risks identified several years ago.
Possible root cause:Management initially provided reporting to City Council in 2013 and conducted verbal discussions on findings and action plans since then.
Recommendation:Management should review the findings from the “2014 Property Development Approval Service – Business Process Review” to rationalize and assign a risk rating to each finding. This may enable management to identify significant findings which require tracking of the status of implementation or documentation of acceptance of risk and workaround to lower the level of risk.Furthermore, Management should also identify which of the findings would be addressed by the upcoming implementation of the Evolve system, and also identify which findings (if any) would require an alternative action plan/solution
Management Action Plan
Management agrees with the findings and recommendations. Administration will continue to implement the remaining business improvements that will be addressed by the Evolve Project.
This will include recording of the implementation and also the identification of any remaining business improvements that will require an alternative action/plan or solution.
Beyond the Evolve project, a small number of the remaining business improvements will be reviewed by the management team to determine how they might be implemented or if they remain as relevant.
Responsible Party: City Planner; Chief Building Official; Manager of Urban Design; Manager of Planning Policy
Due Date: Q4 2020