Summary of findings

Finding #


Rating 1 Moderate
Management action plan
Policies and procedures for planning and development


Develop Working Procedures for Planning and Development Application Processing (Design Effectiveness)



A procedure/ guideline to assist staff in Planning and other Departments will be prepared. The focus will be to list items to be considered when reviewing and processing development applications. Q3 2020
Planning & development application processing


Prioritize Action Plan Implementation of 2014 Business Process Review Findings(Design Effectiveness)



Administration will continue to implement the remaining (14 of 88) business improvement findings as part of the Evolve Project. Q4 2020
Total 0 0 2  

Summary of significant findings

Summary of significant findings No significant findings were noted within or during the scope of work.

Management comments

Management agrees with the observations contained within the report particularly the need for formalized processes and the implementation of the remaining business improvement recommendations identified in the "Property Development Approval Service Review". The audit report documents a number of positive themes which demonstrate the department's effectiveness in achieving legislated timelines for the process of all types of development applications and the positive benefits that have come with the introduction of Development Triage meetings.

Management has implemented 84 percent (74 of 88) of the business improvement findings in the above referenced report and the remaining 16 percent are expected to be implemented in 2020 as part of the Evolve project that is already underway.

The implementation of any system or change in procedure requires staff training. This will be included during the implementation period so that staff are not only aware of how to maximize system efficiencies but are cognizant of the importance of doing so.

Name: Thom Hunt, City Planner

Date November 29, 2019