inaugurated on Feb 18, 2016
1.3 Determine where monies are today IA inquired with management regarding the status of funds as of today. Management indicated that the funds have been allocated went to the Chimczuk Museum as per the court judgement and agreements. There is no more money with the City and nothing further to administer.
IA observed that the funds were held in trust until they were dispersed to the Chimczuk Museum as per the Court Judgement. We noted this as per review of investment statements which showed the funds being held by the trust account as well as the general ledger showing that the funds withdrawn were accounted for
We did not find evidence to corroborate the allegations.
Complaint #2 November 2019 The office of the Auditor General received a complaint in November 2019. The complainant wanted raised allegations with regards to the Lancaster restoration concerning $750,000 or more of missing parts and annual annual operating costs of up to $50,000 per year for over 20 years.The allegations were:
missing parts.
The detailed activities undertaken are summarized in our report for this complaint contained in Appendix F.
We did not find evidence to corroborate the allegations.
We did note that a current in force stewardship/restoration agreement between the City and CHAA was not in place and should be established. We also noted that a process to systematically collect and retain evidence of compliance with contract covenants and terms should be in effect as we were not able to detect the required notice from the lessee of intent to extend the term within City records.
Total forecasted net costs, City wide, related to the restoration and stewardship agreement are expected to be $392,663, or less, for the period 2007 through 2026, assuming the project is completed by then.
The detailed findings and outcomes are summarized in our report for this complaint contained in Appendix F.