
The public nominations were vetted and final selection were made by the Heritage Committee members.


The Built Heritage Awards are to be presented to:

212-248 Erie St W (Listed on the Register in 2007):

Awarded for: Heritage Conservation of Traditional Commercial Storefronts

This c.1920s mixed use building is located on the northwest corner of Victoria Avenue and Erie Street West at 212-248 Erie Street West, within the Victoria Avenue Heritage Area. The building is a two storey, red brick building with five commercial units on the ground floor fronting Erie Street and four residential apartments on the second storey. The parapet walls outline ornate stone crests in the center, and the central entranceways on each side is bordered by brick pilasters and a moulded entablature. Pilasters also articulate the corners of the facade. In spring 2018, the property owner SVB Realty Inc. applied under the Downtown Windsor Community Improvement Plan for the Commercial/Mixed Use Building Facade Improvement Grant Program and Building/Property Improvement Tax Increment Grant Program for masonry work and storefront replacement. The restoration efforts included masonry work on the front and rear of the building. The masonry work involved the removal and replacement of mortar joints, removal and replacement of damaged bricks, and masonry cleaning. The renovation of the storefronts included new entrance door, windows, moldings, and baseplates, all finished in black. The owner also further invested in improvements to the appearance of the property by introducing goose-neck lighting to each commercial unit and projecting signs, and has replaced the residential doors, second floor windows and repainted the cornice and wood trim to match the new colour scheme.

This renovation is being recognized as a good example of appropriate and heritagesensitive storefronts renovations conducted in the era of original construction. The work completed embraces good heritage conservation practices including respectful maintenance and repair to its character-defining elements. Overall, the building is a well-maintained example of historic commercial development in Windsor.